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Aims and Scope of the Korean Journal of Gastroenterolgy
The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology is an official publication of the Korean Society of Gastroenterology. The journal aims to deliver up-to-date and authoritative coverage of both clinical and basic-translational gastroenterology. The editorial board calls for the articles that originate from worldwide research or clinical study groups and the publication is determined by the editors and reviewers who are the experts in the specific field of gastroenterology. The categories of articles include editorials, original articles, case reports, review articles, image of the month, research update and brief summary of practice guideline in the field of gastroenterology.
Subjects include:

· Cancer
· Colon and small bowel
· Diagnosis and screening
· Endoscopy
· Epidemiology
· Esophagus
· Functional gastrointestinal disorders
· Gut microbiota
· Infection

· Inflammatory bowel disease
· Liver
· Nutrition/Obesity
· Pancreas and biliary tract
· Pathology
· Pediatrics
· Physiology
· Prevention
· Stomach
· Therapy

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(우송료 포함)
개인 기관
(학교, 병원, 연구소, 도서관)
권당 가격 5,000원 7,000원
연간 구독료 60,000원 84,000원
입금계좌 계좌번호 : 803-01-0202-299 (국민은행)
예금주 : 대한소화기학회
구독신청서 구독신청서 다운로드
문의처 주소 : 서울시 강남구 대치동 890-59 롯데골드로즈Ⅱ
Tel : 02-538-0627 / Fax. 02-538-0635


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06193 서울특별시 강남구 선릉로86길 31, 305호 (대치동, 롯데골드로즈빌Ⅱ)